Small Businesses

A Special Day to Recognize Mom and Pop Businesses

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Mar 24, 2022
10:45 am

Small businesses are the engine that drives the growth of the American economy. More than 30 million small businesses are responsible for about two-thirds (64%) of new jobs created in the United States each year.

You might be surprised to learn that three out of every four small firms are micro businesses, or businesses with fewer than 10 employees. Sometimes referred to as “mom and pop” businesses, these firms are considered by many to be the true backbone of the U.S. economy.

A Wide-Ranging Impact

The impact of mom and pop businesses often extends far beyond just dollars and cents as these owners build vital relationships with their customers and communities. In addition, many mom and pop businesses are passed down from one generation to the next, equipping and inspiring the next generation of American entrepreneurs and innovators.

On March 29, these businesses will be recognized on National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day. This day of celebration was established nearly a century ago by Rick and Margie Segel to honor their parents, who opened a hat shop in 1939 and eventually grew it into a $2 million clothing store.

In recognition of National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day, OnDeck conducted a survey of small business owners asking them a wide range of questions about how they run their companies. Their answers could provide some insights that could help you run your business better.

Customer Service Strategies

The vast majority of survey respondents — over 91% — said that their customer service strategy is a key driver of their overall business success. While customers may occasionally shop at a larger store for the sake of convenience, most of them realize that when they frequent a mom and pop business, they will usually receive a higher level of customer service.

One respondent said that their business uses a three-step approach to customer service:

  1. Establish frequent customer contact
  2. Create and monitor performance reporting, and
  3. Demonstrate tangible return on investment.

Another stressed the importance of fast and accurate customer communication so customers know the business is thinking of them. “Once customers receive the product, we make sure they are satisfied, or do what is needed to ensure their satisfaction,” this owner said.

Marketing and New Customer Acquisition

The most popular method of new customer acquisition among survey respondents is word-of-mouth marketing, which is used by 87% of them. The next most popular customer acquisition strategy is social media marketing (69%), followed by the business’ website (60%) and print and digital advertising (50%).

Facebook is by far the most popular digital marketing vehicle, used by 78% of the survey respondents. Google (55%) is the next most popular, followed by Instagram (25%), Twitter (20%) and Pinterest (10%).

Some respondents offered advice on creating a small business marketing plan. One suggested going “as deep and wide as possible into multiple customers.” Another recommended “defining your end game and strategizing your budget, search ads, display ads and social ads.” Yet another respondent stressed the need to provide “high value and a win-win” to customers. “Marketing is about engaging people and building lasting relationships with them,” this owner stated.

Motivating and Managing Employees

Employee turnover can be especially costly to mom and pop businesses. Not only is there the cost involved in hiring and training replacements, but these employees often build close relationships with customers that can be hard to re-establish.

Some survey respondents offered advice on how to boost employee satisfaction and motivation. One suggested taking an interest in your employees’ personal lives and “making them feel like family.” Another said the owner and employees try to do fun things together after work and “we joke around a lot too.” Yet another respondent recommended being as flexible as possible when it comes to giving employees time off for family, school and other personal commitments.

Unfortunately, most mom and pop business owners eventually reach the point when they have to let an employee go. Some respondents offered advice on how to do this. One suggested being upfront and honest and treating the situation with kindness. Another recommended caution and making sure you have documented reasons for the firing — “then do it with dignity.” Yet another stated: “Having bad employees hurts the entire company, but sometimes it’s necessary to prune the branches from time to time to allow the tree to flourish.”


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