4 Reasons Businesses Should Give Back This Holiday Season

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Dec 23, 2019
5:00 pm

From the awe-inspiring lights at the Philadelphia Zoo to the winter oasis in Dilworth Park, Philadelphians know how to get into the holiday spirit. But the holidays in the Delaware Valley aren’t just about hot cocoa and elegant displays — we also know how to give back. After all, ‘tis the season of giving. Many businesses rally employees to volunteer at or raise donations for organizations like Philabundance or Variety Club. Charitable giving and volunteerism are part of their yearly planning.

Some people reading this may be thinking, “Sure, I donate to those in need — but my business doesn’t.” The good news is that it is never too late to start. This year’s December fundraiser may turn into a new end-of-year tradition or evolve into a year-long volunteer engagement.But why? Here are 4 reasons for small to midsized businesses to give back to local charities, causes and non-profits:

  1. It can promote a business. Non-profits often list the names of businesses who support them with donations and volunteers on their websites and social media accounts. Supporting specific events can also mean increased visibility for sponsor logos, which are often displayed on flyers and signage. Plus, local news outlets like to cover heart-warming stories of giving.
  2. It creates strong workplaces. Employees like working for businesses they view as socially conscious, particularly those that belong to younger generations. In fact, a Fortune survey found that companies that give back enjoy higher employee retention rates and employees who are more enthusiastic about the brand.
  3. It is a networking opportunity. What better way to meet new people than while planting trees or sorting school supplies for kids in need? Engaging in charitable giving and volunteerism introduces business owners to other local companies who share their values.
  4. It’s the right thing to do. For many, this is the most obvious answer. The community supports local business, and local business supports the community. Many consider giving back to those in need as part of being a good citizen.

No time is better than the holidays to give back to the community. The cold weather often poses a challenge for those who support the homeless and need to find places for them to sleep during “code blue” (extremely cold) nights. Families in need may struggle to provide warm enough clothing for their children to wear to school — or they may simply need a little help with holiday gifts.

That said, any time is the right time to give. Those looking to infuse their businesses with the spirit of giving can begin by identifying charities near and dear to the leadership or employees. Non-profits often have a section on their website listing ways to “get involved.” The start of a new, generous tradition may just be a click away.


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