A couple happy with their budget while looking at statements and a computer

Savings Simplified

Basic Savings Account

Start building your future with our most simplified savings account. We've made saving for a home, college or early retirement easier than ever.

Basic Savings

Account Benefits

Digital Secure Banking

Digital Banking

Calendar with arrows symbol

Automatic Transfers

Shield with checkmark symbol

Overdraft Protection

Online Statements

Online Statements

Wallet symbol

Low Minimum Balance

Firstrust mobile app

Mobile App


Digital Tools Keep You Connected 24/7

We’ve made it easier than ever to pay your bills, check your accounts, move your money and contact Customer Care. All the features you need from the comfort of your favorite device.

Track Your Savings Goals

Stay on top of your finances with in-depth visualizations and charts of spending, assets, and debts.

Manage Your Budget with Transaction Categories

Sort your transactions by category (like dining out, gas, groceries and more) and create custom subcategories to keep things organized in a way that works for you and your budget.

Bubble chart of budget categories


Financial Wellness Courses



Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is subject to change at any time without notice at the bank’s discretion. Fees may reduce earnings.

Minimum to open a Basic Savings account is $25. To avoid monthly service fee of $5, a $250 minimum daily balance is required.

Set up overdraft protection transfers to move funds to your checking account when needed to stop overdrafts (see the Retail Banking Fee Schedule).

Retail Account Agreement, Funds Availability, & Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Disclosure

Retail Banking Fee Schedule

Truth in Savings Disclosure